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Mirtruda.ruСекретариат, делопроизводство, АХОАдминистратор Sales Administrator / администратор отдела продаж


Sales Administrator / администратор отдела продаж

750 $
Компания EZSolutionS    (Москва)
Дата публикации: 13 сентября 08
Идентификатор вакансии: 13631
Стартовый оклад: 750 $
График работы: свободный  Был 13.09.2008 
Образование: высшее
Возраст: от 25 до 50
Командировки: не планируется

Сфера деятельности: Секретариат, делопроизводство, АХО

Должностные обязанности

- Supervise and coordinate the strategic, operational and logistical activities necessary for the production of customer meetings and events for foreign Telco/IT equipment manufacturers in Russia and the CIS.
- An important part of day-to-day activities will be verbal and written communication with vendors, local carrier and enterprise customers, system integrators and other partner organizations.
- Supervise administrative personnel, train and coach new hires.
- Prepare and update company presentations and press releases, contribute to the corporate website content.
- Occasionally visits to industry tradeshow will be required.

Требования к кандидату

Профессиональные навыки: - Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both English and Russian.
- Exceptional organizational and time management skills, ability to take initiative, use good judgment, demonstrate a strong sense of urgency and carry multiple projects through to completion.
- Ability to work independently, prioritize work and ask for further clarification when necessary.
- Ability to 'think outside of the box.'
- Ability to work under pressure with tight time constraints, as well as the ability to deal with frequent interruptions, unresolved situations, frequent change, delays or unexpected events.
- Cold calling skills.
- Excellent computer skills - Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook and Internet software.
- Existing contacts in the Telco/IT industry will be an advantage.

Условия работы и Компенсационный пакет

Условия работы: Base salary plus bonus. The amount of base salary is determined after the interview. Training provided. Career development opportunities available. Telephone and Internet costs reimbursement.

Контактная информация

Прямой работодатель: EZSolutionS
Контактное лицо: Natalya Afanasyeva
Телефоны:  (), +7(495)7694467
Электронная почта: ezsales@ezsolutions.ru